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“But everything is sold out。 You’ll have to stand。”

“How very annoying!” Mark Twain said with a sigh。 “I never saw such luck; I always have to stand when that fellow lectures。”





Talking on the Telephone

Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story。 Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer。

“You talk to people on the telephone and don’t see them on the other end of the line; right?” he began。 The children nodded yes。 “Well; talking to God is like talking on the telephone。 He’s on the other end; but you can’t see him。 He is listening though。”

Just then a little boy piped up and asked; “What’s his number?”






巴茲爾十分聽話地拿著書,然而剛剛看完一句話,他就又開口問了起來:“爸爸,書裡面說:從一個人結交的朋友就可以看出這個人的為人,真是這樣的嗎? 那麼,假如一個好人和一個壞人接觸,這個好人是否因為壞人也變成了壞人呢?或者因為壞人結交了好人,從而就變成好人了呢?或者他們兩個人都變了,好人變成了壞人,壞人反而變成了好人?另外,假如……”


A Troublesome Child

“Daddy; may I go out?” Asked Basil。

“No; it’s raining;” answered daddy。 “You would catch cold。”

“But daddy; I want to go out in the rain。”

“Here is