關燈 巨大 直達底部
第58章 Gaza,good night



“謝謝誇獎!”david 笑道。“不過我們還有很多地方需要改進呢。”


在排練結束後,melia 興奮地說:“我覺得我們應該增加一些宣傳,讓更多的人瞭解這首歌。”


“好的,Avatar Studios ( power station at berkleeNYc)怎麼樣?” melia興奮地說。

“oh my God,這可是世界上最昂貴的錄音棚之一,是許多天皇巨星的專用錄音棚,你確定我們有資格用嗎?” david心存希望的問。


“太好了,也許院長damian woetzel能幫上我們的忙!” david高興得跳起來馬上給院長打電話。

不到半個小時,院長damian woetzel趕到排練廳,AtA樂隊和林梓明開始演唱他們合作的歌曲: Gaza,good night

the rockets crossed the night sky

And exploded into a dazzle fire

the ruins buried innocent lives

the injured women and children ran around to seek shelter

the man dug up collapsed home to find

Relatives with name in hands was dead

the war destroyed hospitals mos quest and schools

people who have lost their home are displaced……


the sky in pakistan could not tolerate the battle fire

Gaza gave me big deep and bright eyes

And I need my eyes to find the dawn without war

Gaza Gaza Gaza Gaza,Gaza Gaza good night

Gaza Gaza Gaza Gaza,Gaza Gaza good night

Gaza Gaza Gaza Gaza,Gaza Gaza good night……

damian woetzle院長激動地衝上來,與這幾個天才少年緊緊擁抱在一起,他的臉上洋溢著無法抑制的喜悅和興奮。他