關燈 巨大 直達底部
第134章 卷30

馬龍探案卷四 之 正確的兇案 三十


“he’ll pull through, but he ay be unnscio for hours,” alone said, cheg savaly on his cigar “we ight as well t out of this pce before they decide to roll out beds for , too”


it was eight the orng the o-hour nap the hospital waitg roo had helped alone a little, but he had a vague and unfortable notion that creepg paralysis was begng to t under way


ross cur’s jury, as the wyer had guessed, was not serio, but he was sufferg badly fro exposure rest and iet were dicated right now alone wished one would prescribe rest and iet for hi

三個人走到克拉克街,向南朝著市中心走去。天空又陰沉下來,呈現出一片寒冷、陰沉的灰色。有軌電車哐當哐當地駛過,擠滿了第一批去上八點半班的工人。克拉克街本身沉悶而又幾乎空無一人。那些打著“21 美分兩杯”廣告的酒館和廉價舞廳正在被打掃。甚至當鋪都關著門。幾個流浪漢在那些簡陋的小餐館裡吃著“五美分咖啡和兩個甜甜圈”。在他們前面,市中心的高樓大廈和尖頂直插雲霄,氣勢恢宏而又令人生畏。

the three walked over to crk street and headed uth toward the loop the sky had clouded over aga and was a ld, disal gray streetcars rattled by, crowded with the first fx of workers headed for eight-thirty jobs crk street itself was dreary and half deserted taverns advertisg “o shots for 21c” and cheap dance halls were beg swept out even the pawnshops were closed a few bus were havg “ffee and o doughnuts, 5c,” the hole--the-wall nchroos ahead of the, the towers and spires of the loop reached up, a
