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eal mask。 Also we were required to wear an automatic pistol; even doctors and sanitary officers。 I felt it against the back of the chair。 You were liable to arrest if you did not have one worn in plain sight。 Rinaldi carried a holster stuffed with toilet paper。 I wore a real one and felt like a gunman until I practised firing it。 It was an Astra 7。65 caliber with a short barrel and it jumped so sharply when you let it off that there was no question of hitting anything。 I practised with it; holding below the target and trying to master the jerk of the ridiculous short barrel until I could hit within a yard of where I aimed at twenty paces and then the ridiculousness of carrying a pistol at all came over me and I soon forgot it and carried it flopping against the small of my back with no feeling at all except a vague sort of shame when I met English…speaking people。 I sat now in the chair and an orderly of some sort looked at me disapprovingly from behind a desk while I looked at the marble floor; the pillars with the marble busts; and the frescoes on the wall and waited for Miss Barkley。 The frescoes were not bad。 Any frescoes were good when they started to peel and flake off。

I saw Catherine Barkley ing down the hall; and stood up。 She did not seem tall walking toward me but she looked very lovely。

〃Good…evening; Mr。 Henry;〃 she said。

〃How do you do?〃 I said。 The orderly was listening behind the desk。

〃Shall we sit here or go out in the garden?〃