關燈 巨大 直達底部


“總能找到的吧!”說著,pc又往發言框裡key了一行:hot couple seeking for party pal!


“哎,又來了一個新的!”pc指著新蹦出來的一行字說,我湊過去看到一個叫niceway的人敲過來的一句話:what kind of party you going to be?

pc趕緊回覆他:“it’s a kind of hot partybetween couples。”

“would be many people there?”這個人還挺有意思,沒有象其他人那樣直接追問party的內容。

“no,it’s just a private mini party。”pc回答他。

“who is the replease?”他在詢問我們是誰。

“me,and my husband!”這個臭pc,居然是打著我的旗號在網上和人聊,難怪引來那麼多蒼蠅,搞不好這些人是以為我是雞呢!

“but I’m afraid my wife could notbe there as she still in her business trip,of course,just in case you think we fit your target……”

嗯,這個傢伙聽起來還蠻紳士的,我拉開pc,自己坐在電腦旁,我突然也想玩玩這個聊天遊戲,總是聽人家講cyber sex,可是我一直都沒什麼興趣,總覺得還是來真的比較過癮。

“you sure your wife is not here,and not you dare not show your dirtyidea?”我故意問他,搞不好又是一個揹著老婆出來尋歡的,我最討厭那樣的人了。

“dirty idea?I don’t think it’s a dirty idea buddy,it’s something common for the couples’game,isn’t it?”他的英文確實不錯,沒想到在這個小城裡還有這種又有知識思想又開放的人。

“well,you are right,and that’s why we are here talking with you,boy”我不得不同意他的說法。

“by honesty,I’m not sure if I could persuade my wife coming up withthis kind of party,”


“but,I know she would like this kind of game,as that is the most favorite sex imagine while we fucking”

“just like me,wow……”我發現和他的聊天蠻有趣的,至少得到確認象我這樣的女人不只我一個,看來女人是需要很多性的調劑的,只是在她一生的多數時間裡,很少有女人可以正視自己的這種需求,更不用說得到另一半的理解和支援了,想到這裡,我不由看了一眼我旁邊看著我打字的pc,心裡充滿了感激。

“yes,but,not like you,she still some