十美的,我相信我有第二次機會改正我的錯誤。說到批評,沉默是金,不必說什麼,否則情況有可能會更糟。不過我會接受建設性的批評。)說話時她儘量讓自己咬詞清晰,並始終直視前方。她看到老外考官的灰色眼睛現出愉快的神情,於是稍稍放鬆了些,果然,他又接過話題去了:“What is the most important thing in your life right now?”(眼下你生活中最重要的是什麼?)
是時候把話題扯到找工作上了。她慢慢地、誠懇地說:“To get a job in my field is the most important thing to me。 To secure employment hopefully with your pany。 I hope to demonstrate my ability and talents in my field adequately。”(對我來說,能在這個領域找到工作是最重要的,能在貴公司任職對我來說是最重要的。我希望能充分展示我在這個行業的能力和智慧。)
“Do you know what’s involved in a position like this? ”(你知道我們這個職位是要付出很大的努力的嗎?)
尤尤心底並不清楚阮碧拿出來作為獎勵的職位是什麼,但她早已明白這是個虛擬面試,於是順水推舟裝模作樣地回答:“Yes。 I know exactly what’s involved。 I am a hard worker and will perform to the best of my ability。”(我完全明白你的意思。我工作很努力,並且會盡力發揮我的力量。)
“How long would you like to stay with this pany?”(你會在本公司服務多久呢?)
“我會在貴公司待到找阮碧算完所有的賬!”尤尤惡狠狠地想,嘴上卻彎個大大的、甜蜜的笑:“I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in my field。” (只要我能在我的行業裡繼續學習和長進,我就會留在這裡。)
老外考官點點頭,又換個靈活的表情,向她夾夾眼:“What range of pay…scale are you interested in?”(你喜歡哪一種薪水層次標準?)
“Money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most。”(薪水固然重要,但這工作伴隨而來的責任更吸引我。)
那個女考官清嗓子要說話的模樣,老外考官微微舉手向她擺擺,轉回頭又問:“To this day,what’s your most frustrated experience?”
此刻的尤尤已相當放鬆了,想也沒想,聳聳肩,說:“My most frustrated experience is to be asked what’s my most frustrated experience by a foreigner like you。”(我最鬱悶的事就是被老外問到最鬱悶的事是什麼了。)