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ery bad out there。 ”

“I’ll sleep in the barn。” the banker volunteered。

Half an hour later a knock was heard on the farmer’s houses door; and there stood the banker; gasping; “I can’t take the smell。”

“All right。” said the grocer。 “I’ll sleep in the barn。” And off he went。

In a while there was another knock on the door。 “I’ve put up with some rank odors from spoiled food;” the grocer plained; “but that barn tops them all。”

“You two sissies。”said the politician “I’ll sleep in the barn。”

Thirty minutes later came another knock。 When they opened the door; there stood all the animals from the barn。


最近有家新開張的超市,所有前往光顧的主婦都懷揣著一個美好的願望——幸運地成為一個購物不用交錢的顧客。這是商店入口處的啟事上所承諾的。啟事上寫著:“請記住,每個星期都有一位可以免費購物的顧客。也許,今天就是您的幸運日!” 幾個星期以來,正如自己的許多朋友一樣,愛德華太太一直盼望著自己會成為那位幸運的顧客。跟朋友們不同,她一直沒有放棄這一期望。家裡廚房的碗櫃中都塞滿了並不實用的東西。她的丈夫建議她不要亂買東西,然而收效甚微。她一直夢想著有一天超市的經理走到她的面前,對她說:“夫人,今天是您的幸運日,您籃子裡的所有東西都是免費的。”


A Lucky Customer

All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her shopping。 For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised。 It sai: “remember; once a week; one of our customers gets free goods。 This may be your lucky day!”

For several weeks Mrs。 Edwards hoped; like many of her friends; to be the lucky customer。 Unlike