關燈 巨大 直達底部

 areas of the plain; rainwater was absorbed directly into the porous rock。 在大部分平原地區,降水直接被多孔岩石吸收了。

2。 As long as the bees could see the Sun; they went directly to their nest no matter how the surroundings were altered。 只要蜜蜂能看見太陽,那麼無論周圍的環境如何改變,它們都能直接找到蜂巢。

3。 For the heat island to be stretched along the course of major rivers; large waterways typically have a warming effect on the air directly above them。 對於沿著主要河道延伸的熱島,大型水道對其正上方的空氣有明顯的升溫效應。

distinctive[di'sti?ktiv]a。 出眾的;有特色的

搭配 distinctive flavor 獨特的味道

例句 1。 Mars has large…scale runoff and outflow channels; and the distinctive features suggest there were once large quantities of liquid water on Mars。 火星有大規模的徑流渠和洩水渠,這些區別性的特徵暗示了火星上曾經有大量的液態水。

2。 Oil paint can be bined with turpentine; white spirit or various oils to achieve different effects; which gives a distinctive depth of color but can take a long time to dry。 油畫顏料可以與松節油、石油溶劑或其他不同的油結合以實現不同的效果,這樣可以呈現出與眾不同的顏色深度,但需要很長時間來讓畫變幹。

要點 distinctive在託福閱讀中出現的次數較多,一般用來描述事物的顯著特點,如:distinctive form of pastoralism“有特色的田園主義風格”。要注意的是這些特點可能都是作者著重強調的。

drastic['dr?stik]a。 劇烈的,猛烈的,激烈的

例句 1。 In general; it is believed that the mass extinction was caused by drastic environmental changes that followed meteorite impacts or massive volcanic eruptions。 一般來說,人們相信這次大滅絕是由於隕星衝擊和劇烈的火山岩迸發之後的劇烈環境變化引起的。

2。 This form of life is not able to make such a drastic change in lifestyle。 這種生命形式無法在生活方式上做出如此劇烈的改變。

drastically['dr?stikli]ad。 激烈地;徹