'sei?n]n。 濃縮;壓縮;凝結
例句 1。 Studies about the textures of these metals show that the minerals of them are varied; and often do not match the theoretical condensation sequence for those metals。 關於這些金屬的結構的研究顯示,這些金屬含有多種多樣的礦物,而這些礦物通常與理論上的凝結結果並不一致。
2。 Most of these materials were shaped by condensation or melting。 大部分這種物質都是透過濃縮或融化而成形的。
同義 pression(n。 壓縮)
例句 1。 Early in the century; a pump had been used and in which expanding steam raised a piston in a cylinder; when the atmospheric pressure lowered it down again and the steam condensed inside the cylinder; a vacuum was formed。 該世紀之初,人們利用泵來進行實驗,在泵中,體積膨脹的蒸汽使泵中氣缸的活塞位置升高,當大氣壓力使活塞位置再次下降時,氣缸中的蒸汽就會凝結,這樣就形成了真空。
2。 Those minerals are supposed to be some of the first elements that condensed out of the solar nebula。 那些礦物被認為是一些最早在太陽星雲之外凝結而成的元素。
3。 Vapor in the atmosphere will condense to liquid again。 大氣中的水蒸氣將再次凝結成液體。
同義 press(v。 壓縮)
要點 託福閱讀中經常會碰到be condensed out of這個片語,意為“從…中凝結出來”,常出現在科技相關的文章中。
contaminate[k?n't?mineit]v。 汙染
例句 1。 Mines and irrigation ponds should be protected from being contaminated by planting hyper accumulating species in certain areas。 應該透過在特定地區種植高度聚積的植物種類以保護礦山和灌溉水池免受汙染。
2。 Only recently are investigators considering using plants to clean up soil and waste sites that have been contaminated by toxic levels of heavy metals。 就在最近,有研究者認為可以用植物來清理土壤和那些曾被達到有毒標準的重金屬物質汙染過的地方。
3。 They are contaminated with