een the two? Who wishes to be absorbed into the awful peace of Nothingness? Why; such; without its precedent preparation; was the refuge of the Roman who opened his veins when things went wrong or Caesar frowned!
Thus it es about that these seekers after spiritual truth remain drifting to and fro in their little boats of hope; that grow at length so frail and old; and mayhap in the end founder altogether。
Or perhaps they turn in despair and; aware of the overwhelming importance; of the awfulness of the issue indeed; to which all other things are as naught; face the situation afresh; study afresh; think afresh; pray afresh; perchance for years and years。 If so; there is really only one work with which they need trouble themselves; the New Testament; and parts of the Old such as the Psalms。 At least that is my experience — the experience of a plain man in search of truth。
I suppose that for the last fifteen or twenty years; except very occasionally through accident or a sense of unworthiness; scarcely a day has gone over my head on which I have not once (the last thing at night) and often more than once; read a portion of the Bible。 The result is that now I find it fresher; stronger; more convincing; more full of hidden meaning than I did when I began this exercise。 “Search the Scriptures” was a very great and potent saying; for in them I think is life。
What; it may be asked; do you find there; beyond picturesque narrative and the expression of hopes