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back on my pack; overe by drowsiness。 If the Careers want me; let them find me; I think before drifting into a stupor。 Let them find me。

And find me; they do。 Itˇs lucky Iˇm ready to move on because when I hear the feet; I have less than a minute head start。 Evening has begun to fall。 The moment I awake; Iˇm up and running; splashing across the pool; flying into the underbrush。 My leg slows me down; but I sense my pursuers are not as speedy as they were before the fire; either。 I hear their coughs; their raspy voices calling to one another。

Still; they are closing in; just like a pack of wild dogs; and so I do what I have done my whole life in such circumstances。 I pick a high tree and begin to climb。 If running hurt; climbing is agonizing because it requires not only exertion but direct contact of my hands on the tree bark。 Iˇm fast; though; and by the time theyˇve reached the base of my trunk; Iˇm twenty feet up。 For a moment; we stop and survey one another。 I hope they canˇt hear the pounding of my heart。

This could be it; I think。 What chance do I have against them? All six are there; the five Careers and Peeta; and my only consolation is theyˇre pretty beat…up; too。 Even so; look at their weapons。 Look at their faces; grinning and snarling at me; a sure kill above them。 It seems pretty hopeless。 But then something else registers。 Theyˇre bigger and stronger than I am; no doubt; but theyˇre also heavier。 Thereˇs a reason itˇs me and not Gale who v