mp on Peetaˇs suggestion gratefully。 ¨Of course; thatˇs who I was thinking of。 It must be the hair;〃 I say。
¨Something about the eyes; too;〃 says Peeta。
The energy at the table relaxes。 ¨Oh; well。 If thatˇs all it is;〃 says Cinna。 ¨And yes; the cake has spirits; but all the alcohol has burned off。 I ordered it specially in honor of your fiery debut。〃
We eat the cake and move into a sitting room to watch the replay of the opening ceremonies thatˇs being broadcast。 A few of the other couples make a nice impression; but none of them can hold a candle to us。 Even our own party lets out an ¨Ahh!〃 as they show us ing out of the Remake Center。
¨Whose idea was the hand holding?〃 asks Haymitch。
¨Cinnaˇs;〃 says Portia。
¨Just the perfect touch of rebellion;〃 says Haymitch。 ¨Very nice。〃
Rebellion? I have to think about that one a moment。 But when I remember the other couples; standing stiffly apart; never touching or acknowledging each other; as if their fellow tribute did not exist; as if the Games had already begun; I know what Haymitch means。 Presenting ourselves not as adversaries but as friends has distinguished us as much as the fiery costumes。
¨Tomorrow morning is the first training session。 Meet me for breakfast and Iˇll tell you exactly how I want you to play it;〃 says Haymitch to Peeta and I。 ¨Now go get some sleep while the grown…ups talk。〃
Peeta and I walk together down the corridor to our rooms。 When we get t