¨You didnˇt swallow any?〃 I ask him。
He shakes his head。 ¨You?〃
¨Guess Iˇd be dead by now if I did;〃 I say。 I can see his lips moving in reply; but I canˇt hear him over the roar of the crowd in the Capitol that theyˇre playing live over the speakers。
The hovercraft materializes overhead and two ladders drop; only thereˇs no way Iˇm letting go of Peeta。 I keep one arm around him as I help him up; and we each place a foot on the first rung of the ladder。 The electric current freezes us in place; and this time Iˇm glad because Iˇm not really sure Peeta can hang on for the whole ride。 And since my eyes were looking down; I can see that while our muscles are immobile; nothing is preventing the blood from draining out of Peetaˇs leg。 Sure enough; the minute the door closes behind us and the current stops; he slumps to the floor unconscious。
My fingers are still gripping the back of his jacket so tightly that when they take him away it tears leaving me with a fistful of black fabric。 Doctors in sterile white; masked and gloved; already prepped to operate; go into action。 Peetaˇs so pale and still on a silver table; tubes and wires springing out of him every which way; and for a moment I forget weˇre out of the Games and I see the doctors as just one more threat; one more pack of mutts designed to kill him。 Petrified; I lunge for him; but Iˇm caught and thrust back into another room; and a glass door seals between us。 I pound on the glass; screaming m