rit sustained herself as best a woman might; under the heavyweight of a thousand unrelenting eyes; all fastened upon her andconcentrated at her bosom。 It was almost intolerable to be borne。 Ofan impulsive and passionate nature; she had fortified herself toencounter the stings and venomous stabs of public contumely;wreaking itself in every variety of insult; but there ore terrible in the solemn mood of the popular mind; that shelonged rather to behold all those rigid countenances contorted withscornful merriment; and herself the object。 Had a roar of laughterburst from the multitude… each man; each woman; each littleshrill…voiced child; contributing their individual parts… HesterPrynne might have repaid them all with a bitter and disdainfulsmile。 But; under the leaden infliction which it was her doom toendure; she felt; at moments; as if she must needs shriek out with thefull power of her lungs; and cast herself from the scaffold downupon the ground; or else go mad at once。 Yet there were intervals when the whole scene; in which she wasthe most conspicuous object; seemed to vanish from her eyes; or atleast; glimmered indistinctly before them; like a mass ofimperfectly shaped and spectral images。 Her mind; and especially hermemory。 was preternaturally active; and kept bringing up otherscenes than this roughly hewn street of a little town; on the edgeof the Western wilderness; other faces than were lowering upon herfrom beneath the brims of those steeple…crowned hats。 Reminisce