關燈 巨大 直達底部

例句 When crayfish are retained continuously in the dark; even for four to five months; their pound eyes continue to adjust on a daily schedule for daytime and nighttime vision。 當螯蝦持續待在黑暗中,甚至長達4到5個月的時間時,它們的複眼仍能根據日夜交替進行調整。

同義 sight(n。 視力)

vulnerable['v?ln?r?bl]a。 易受攻擊的,易受傷的

例句 Amphibians are especially vulnerable to pesticides dissolved in the water。 兩棲類動物尤其容易受到溶解於水中的殺蟲劑的傷害。

同義 unprotected(a。 無保護的)

要點 vulnerable除了可以指人或動物易受傷害以外,還可以用於描述環境、國家或形勢的脆弱,比如:Excessive numbers of cattle have made the land unprotected and vulnerable。

wakefulness['weikfln?s]n。 覺醒

例句 1。 Of all the physiological differences in human sleep pared with wakefulness that have been discovered in the last decade; changes in respiratory control are most dramatic。 在過去10年間,人們發現在人類清醒與睡眠時所有的生理差異中,呼吸控制的變化最為明顯。

2。 Using an EKG(electrocardiogram)machine that picks up brain wave activity; wakefulness can be observed and measured。 透過使用可以獲取腦電波活動的心電圖機器,人們可以觀察並測量覺醒情況。

同義 awakening(n。 覺醒)

yawn[j?:n]n。 哈欠 v。 打哈欠

例句 Yawning is distracting; consumes energy and takes time; which is almost certainly doing something important in adults as well as in fetuses。 打哈欠是分心的、消耗能量和時間的。對於成人和胎兒來說,打哈欠都是非常重要的。


abruptly[?'br?ptli]ad。 突然地,唐突地

例句 1。 As moves from layers of rocks documenting the end of the Cretaceous; many plants and animals disappeared abruptly from the fossil record; and this represented the beginning of the Cenozoic。 就像岩層運動記