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同義 friendship(n。 友誼);scholarship(n。 獎學金)

flaw[fl?:]n。 瑕疵,缺點;裂紋

例句 1。 In the 1920s; sound films were unable to solve the technical flaws found before。 在20世紀20年代,有聲電影不能解決之前的技術缺陷。

2。 Another flaw of the tiredness theory is that yawning does not raise alertness or physiological activity。 關於疲憊理論的另一個缺陷就是打哈欠並不能提高警惕性或增強心理活動強度。


例句 Because of a movement of peoples' fleeing the desiccation or drying up of the Sahara; their migration may have been started by an increase in population。 為了擺脫撒哈拉沙漠的乾燥或乾涸,大量人口開始遷移。

flexible['fleks?bl]a。 易彎曲的;柔韌的;靈活的,可變通的

例句 James Watt changed an inefficient steam pump into a fast; flexible and fuel…efficient engine。 詹姆斯·瓦特把一個低效的蒸汽泵轉變成一部快速、靈敏、燃燒高效的發動機。

同義 pliable(a。 易彎曲的;柔韌的);elastic(a。 靈活的)

要點 考生要注意,flexible還有“可變通的”意思,比如a flexible schedule“靈活的日程表”。

fluke[flu:k]n。 僥倖;意外的挫折;尾片

例句 1。 Although it had no fluke; its backbone structure showed that it swam like modern whales。 儘管它沒有尾片,但由其脊椎結構可以看出它能像現代鯨魚那樣在水中游動。

2。 The whale retained a tail and lacked a fluke which was the major means of lootion in modern cetaceans。 鯨有尾巴卻沒有尾片,而尾片是現代鯨目動物移動的主要工具。

generic[??'nerik]a。 種類的,類屬的;一般的

例句 Even though the appearances of formal and generic statues are different; they share the same function。 儘管正式的雕像和一般雕像的外表不一樣,但它們擁有同樣的功能。

同義 mon(a。 一般的)

grandiose['gr?ndious]a。 宏偉的;誇大的

例句 1。 Faced with uping water supply crisis; a number