關燈 巨大 直達底部
第102章 卷35

licito partrid hoverg the background willis sanders was beardless, jake observed, while his panion’s neatly trid tache and iperial were back where they seed to belong he wondered how partrid had anad it kd of ge, of urse there was daphne sanders, sittg ite by herself, like an alien the roo, tryg to look as though she hadn’t aed the dead fleurette sanders of urder only the night before


奧格特里夫人也在,她愉快地興奮著,竭力做出震驚和恐懼的樣子。傑克想起在火車和公共汽車上的人們讀著早報上的災難報道,用興奮甚至近乎高興的聲音說:“太可怕了!” 她身上有種近乎禿鷲的氣質。傑克想起了馬克斯?胡克的揭露,不知道透過和奧格特里夫人的安排,有多少八卦的小片段被變成了有利可圖的勒索材料。

there was rs ogletree, pleasantly excited and dog her ftterg best to appear shocked and horror-stricken jake was reded of people on tras and bes readg the aounts of disasters the orng paper, sayg, “how awful!” exhirated and alost eted voices there was thg alost vulture-like about her jake rebered ax hook’s revetion, and wondered how any tender orsels of gossip had been turned to crative bckail by the arrannt with rs ogletree


wells ogletree, beside his wife, looked as though he were tryg, with his aristocratic nostrils, to decide on the exact location of a oe that had perished, not too recently, the wall


ellen ogletree and leonard archont sat tother on a fa ellen looked very bored and extrely disntented, archont acted like a an who has jt been called to
