關燈 巨大 直達底部

2 理由同上……所以randy同學在上飛機前才拿到那麼重要的東西……|||||||

3 這座旅店完全是虛構的= =

4 gale曾經在一個電視訪談中說過(大意),拍攝第一場性愛場面是開始拍攝的第三天,那時他和randy還不大熟,當時他們在床上躺下,現場的氣氛有點緊張。

5 摘自randy02年4月29日new york agaze的採訪,randy的原話:and the first gay bar i ever went to when i was livg atlanta, i felt ore ilated than i ever have y life i thought, y god, is this ternalized hoophobia? is this self-hatred? eventually, i realized i&r; jt a gay an who hates dance ic&rdo;

6 gale做演員前的職業是一個木工= =

7 原文:lovable lan-ball randy harr told he sped watchg the show o years ago becae &rdo;it&r;s exhatg enough to shoot i&r;ve seen yself as jt uch it bores

8 sion的原話: pern, harr is ietly tense, and his look ─ wire-fra glasses, an exceedgly bland tan sweater, unrearkable jeans ─ is understated that it doesn&r;t even alify as ek chic


9 qaf的執行導演ron wen曾這樣描述他對gale的看法:他有很強的主見,也有很明確的政治觀點。有時我想他是我見過的最聰明的人。我認識很多受過高等教育,讀很多書很聰明的人們,但gale好像已經超越了那個層次。天才已經變成了一個廉價的詞,特別是在好萊塢,但gale的確聰明,富於創造力。

原文:gale has very strong opions, and he&r;s very political tis i thk he&r;s the sartest pern i&r;ve ever t i know a lot of sart, well-educated, well-read people but there&r;s thg about gale where it takes a leap fro education or keen tellce to other place ni is a cheap word, especially hollywood but he&r;s really sart&rdo; ── eer as folk executive producer ron wen (the advocate, 2002)

10 採訪原文:

q:brian is a plex 插racter with a very restraed eotional side d